Integrity | Honesty | Trust

Money and investing is a lot more personal than it seems. It’s the fuel behind your goals and hopes for the future. That’s why we believe every good conversation around investing starts with getting to know you.

Our approach revolves around your needs. And the advice, solutions, and referrals we provide are picked based on what we feel works best for your unique situation; not what we’re told to sell. Everything we recommend is something that we’ve tried, loved, and shared with our own families.

We also make the time to explain your finances in plain language, and use stories, illustrations, history, and real-world examples to teach you about finance and investing. So even if you’re an artist at heart, you can understand how your finances work, and can work harder for you.

Fiercely Independent Fiduciaries

You may have seen the term “Fiduciary” before, but what does it really mean?

It means we put your needs before our own. That includes giving you honest advice, and managing your wealth in a way that best serves you and your goals. Most of our clients pay an annual, transparent fee that stays the same regardless of the mutual fund, ETF, or stock we recommend. This means we don’t earn large up-front commissions or rely on selling products that might not fit your needs.

Our fiduciary standard extends into our partnerships beyond the one we have with you, which is why we’ve chosen to partner with Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., an independently-owned broker-dealer.


Powered by Cambridge


We’re proud to be partnered with Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., one of the largest independently owned broker-dealers in the country. As a privately-owned group, they’re able to provide a variety of choices regarding financial products and solutions. They’re also people-first, and believe in working with integrity, honesty, and kindness.

Cambridge provides us with the same products and solutions used on Wall Street, so we can use cutting-edge technology while keeping our integrity and small town values.

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